Electronic configurator for professional workbenches
Welcome to the configurator of professional workbenches. You can create any workbench in your workshop, garage and laboratory - precisely according to your wishes.
Configurator works with three bench series - professional workbenches assembled DPS, professional workbenches welded DPJ and assembly workbenches MTS:

Configurator assembled workbenches (DPS)
Professional assembled workbenches Kovos provide an optimal solution for manufacturing facilities and service sites. A wide portfolio of accessories provides a means for flexible arrangement of the workbench compliant with spesific requirements of the client.
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Configurator welded workbenches (DPJ)
Kovos professional welded workbenches are characterized by their robust welded contruction. High carrying capacity of the bench workboard 1.000 Kg makes them the perfect choice for use in very demandig conditions. The workbenches can be furnished with Q-SYSTEM elements providing means for hanging of tool holders or they can be equipped with aditional cover cabinets or the base containers.
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Configurator workbenches assembly (MTS)
Kovos professional assembly workbenches are suitable for use in automotive and electrical companies. The height of the workboard can be adjusable to a range between 900 – 1.180mm. Modular solutions and a wide range of accessories allow a high variability of the variol options of the bench. The workbench can be equipped with some of the suspended container, varieties of Q-SYSTEM panels for tool holders, adjustable shelves, ramp lighting etc. The workbench is supplied disassembled into components.
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